Sunday 3/31

Sunday 31st: Happy birthday Deb. Hope you liked the card. Presents will need to wait till Santa Fe when you can really get something you want.
Kitt Peak today with all the telescopes. The photo of me was in the parking lot. Notice the jacket, 49 degrees but the sun made it feel like 70. This was before Paul and Barb from Michigan (in the red car in the photo) got out and he had on a Michigan Tech jacket. So we talked a lot about Michigan etc. Turns out most the tour group was from Michigan 8 of us all together. I still got a lot of “you’re too young to retire” from them but what can I say, I look at this as another phase.
The pictures are of the solar observatory (white looking mirror) and the 4 meter telescope mounted in the chocolate covered sidewise donut. Sorry, haven’t eaten much today. In fact haven’t eaten much the whole trip. Only eat when I’m hungry and with getting up at 7:30 and getting back at 8:00 or so I’m to lazy/tired to cook much. But wait, what’s this picture of Tequila? Getting low on reserves !!! Always have time for a sip as I watch the X-Files. Will Mulder ever Kiss Scully? Better go slow till the reinforcements get here. Looks like Deb will not be the only thing flying out to meet me in Santa Fe. Left a bottle of good stuff from Bob and Leanne back so I would have something back at the ranch, might need to tap into it.
Skipping the night photo thing tonight to kick back (7:30 already) and get ready to leave for Tombstone tomorrow.
Don’t know where the next internet connection will come from but I will keep a nightly log and enter when I can. Hope everyone is doing well, I have not yet wound down from the work environment it seems (takes me a week or so), but I’ll let you know when I do.


Sunday 3_30

Sunday: Today was laundry day and still one of the best. Botanical Gardens in the morning till 1:00 or so then back to camp to do the laundry. It gave me several hours to edit photos, read some of the B&W Magazines I brought and relax. Then it was off to do some more sunset and night photos. Can’t believe it’s already been a week………….time flies. Feel like I have only scratched the surface of photo possibilities here. I think that will be the same everywhere I go. Tomorrow is Kitt Peak and Deb’s birthday...but remember if you wonder where I am going next, "the journey is the destination" Not much in the way of pictures because most are still on the camera or undeveloped film so I'll put more of today on later.

Thursday-Saturday 3/27-29

Thursday: Museum for Creative Photography, the Art Museum and swimming at one of the many outdoor pools. Love those Photo Museums. This had numbers of Ansel Adams prints in it I had never seen before anywhere. Then after all that, it was out to the mountain park to take in another sunset with photo ops. What a gathering for the sunsets. Lots of people. I can see why by the photos.

Friday: Pima Aerospace Museum and a tour of the Monthan Air Field Bone Yard……again great temperatures, A-10’s flying overhead and good displays. The end of the day capped off with a trip back to the mountain drive for some sunset photo ops I missed the other day. By the way, that is not a helicopter in the picture it is a new piece of lawn art for Deb's birthday.

Saturday: Breakfast out for once. Then it was off to the mall for movies. Sleepwalking; had to see the star of the last Terminator movie John Conner play something else. They should have had more drinking scenes in it with Woody!!

Pictures are of all the days, don't think you care the order.

Wednesday 3/26

Wednesday: Old Tucson and the desert museum. Old Tucson was where so many of the great westerns were shot. My favorite was Rio Bravo with John Wayne, Ricky Nelson, etc. I wanted to see the place for myself. Silly me….a 1958 movie and I expect the place will look the same?? NOT! There was one little piece of the wall toward the end of the movie that still stands. Fire took out many buildings so more recient movies like the Three Amigos will fit better with what stands to day.
The Desert Museum was real good. Blooms every where and the displays were well done. A great place to kick back.

Tuesdat 3/25

Tuesday: South or East Saguaro Park visit. Flowers everywhere but the cactus seem to just be on the verge, not in bloom yet. Good cuz then I’ll have more variety on the rest of the trip.

Monday 3/24

Off on the great adventure doesn’t seem like it would start with Yuma but it did and it was nice. The activity there was the outdoor pool. The pool proved to be and excellent swim and refreshing on a hot day. Getting to Yuma was a lot of stopping (theme of the trip) to look and photo the wild flowers along the way. Was going to stop in an RV park there but decided to push on and stayed at the Date Farm RV.
Two cool things about this camp was it was some 30 yards from the RR tracks and the weather was perfect. Cool at noght. As for the train every time a freight train went by it sounded like it was going to go thru the camper…..perhaps three times that noght I woke up and thought I was gonna die!! I picked this site for this effect believe it or not.

Bills Travels

This is the first entry in a long venture of discovery. Pictures and topics are limited to everything outside the working environment, but mainly focused on travels.

So let the blogging begin.