Eclipse trip and Portland

2017 has seen some cool trips, mostly the eclipse trip to Idaho Falls (one month long trip) and then moving Christopher up to Portland.
The total eclipse was spent with me and Deb in the Snake River campground at Idaho Falls. Didn't have to leave the site for totality. Got some picts of partial phase but not enough time to get one of totality.
From there it was on to Jackson Hole for a couple days where I ran into a wild badger that hissed at me (I surprised him I guess).
After that we stopped in Yellowstone for a few days where we got to see wolves chase down an elk! Wow, she ran to the middle of the river and waited, and waited till the wolves got bored and left. Then the male elk came out and bugled to her to quit playing with the wolves and get back to the herd, so the drama had a happy ending.
From there we stopped at Cody Wyoming, Sheridan and the Little Big Horn Monument. After that Devils Tower, all fun place to see (lots of driving on this trip though). From there it was a few days in Rapid City South Dakota to see Mt Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. They only have this face and finger done so far. I think we will be on Mars before this sculpt is done. Had to leave a day early due to smoke from nearby fires though.
Stopped in Denver for 6 days to see some friends (Mike and Caroline and family). Took Mike another asteroid to add to his collection. I have now 3D printed and cast 3 asteroids.
From there down thru Utah (Moab, Goblin Valley, Bluff then home)
Soon after that trip I took Christopher up to Portland for his new engineering job. 3 days drive up with a U-Haul and 6 days drive back down, 2 weeks all together.
Other than that, progress on models and sculpt painting is slow, but at 65 I am in no hurry.
Pin hole sign to show partial eclipse phase

Partial eclipse phase, didn't get one of the total eclipse
Male Elk waiting for cow

Female elk in standoff with wolves
Devils Tower
Crazy Horse

 Prairie dog by the South Dakota Badlands
Black marker where Custer fell at the Little Big Horn, Indian markers were placed also.
Printed and cast asteroids, Vesta, Eros and Itokawa

In works painting projects

Top floor Rec Room at Christopher's apartment in Portland