Singapore 7_26

MRT Station (Early in Morning) Electronic Mall

Typical Mall (This is at the Marina)

View From Park

Singapore 7/26: I had the whole day to explore some of the surroundings so I got started at 9:30 am to get on the MRT trains. The trains enter the station behind the steel doors to the right or left of the picture, then open to let people out and in. All the stations that I have been in are very clean as is the city itself. Took the MRT only 3 stops to get to a section of town where Cathay Photo was, one of the more complete photo stores. Found out though they are closed Sundays and close at 7:00pm on weekdays. So next Saturday will be the next chance I’ll have to get into the store. Lucky for me there are hundreds of other camera stores here and one had the 120 roll film I was looking for.
Stores are everywhere and things closer than I thought so I walked to check out the Swiss Hotel where one of the other folks from San Diego is staying. Then a couple blocks away is the Marina Square Mall with the Raffles Link Mall between them! Get the picture? Looking at the map I could see that it was totally within walking distance to get back to my hotel so I started back after getting film. On the way back I passed things like the War Memorial Park, Singapore Art Museum, art galleries, Plaza by the Park, The Cathay (shopping place), and Plaza Singapore (where the Thai food fair was) and then numbers of mom and pop shops.
The malls are a combination of La Jolla, Fashion Square and Best Buy type stores. But it is all the electronics and food that keeps me going into these places…….love the selection of food here. In fact, after only a week I must say that Singapore now rates up there with food places like San Francisco, Chicago and France. It’s an Asian culinary melting pot to appreciated for sure. At the Plaza Singapore where the Thai food fair was I had a $2.00 (SG value about $1.40 US) huge plate of golden scallop fried rice with a spot of spice on the side. It was so good and almost more than I could eat.

Well enough about shopping and food. Next post will probably be next weekend when I get time to do something. I’ll look at Cathay Photo, Little India and get some pictures of the skyline perhaps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good to see you are having a great time in Singapore...when is Deb coming in? Email us on Bob's email