Bangalore Movies And Stuff

Bangalore 12_12: Worked 10.5 hours a day so not much time to see anything. Also got a cold with sinus headache and tired so I stayed home from work Friday. Today is Saturday and I may venture into work for a few hours to catch up.
The movies only cover one of the restaurants here (the other is Chinese) and my Disneyland taxi ride home from Goodrich Thursday night. Getting home has been an adventure because I don’t know where to meet the driver or if the company or hotel has set up the ride. One night I was waiting in the wrong place but he found me. Thursday night I waited in both spots and after a bit I was feeling way to tired to wait any longer. I could not get the right dialing prefix on the cell to get the hotel to make sure a taxi was sent. Then a 3 wheel taxi came by, slowed down looking at me (I kind of stand out here for some reason). So I waved him down and asked if was going my way. The drivers, from what I hear, have to be in the mood to go where you want to. So he said sure, even though it is only about a 5-10 minute drive.
I started taking pictures after the stop and go traffic let up near the corner. Notice when we turn the corner the car goes past us then there is a cement small “barrier” in the road separating the two directions of traffic. This is of course only a suggestion it appears like so many of the traffic signs. Because as soon as the car goes by us a motorcycle proceeds down “our” side. There doesn’t seem to be many lane marks either so if the road is wide traffic pulses like waves with one direction of traffic expanding to the other side until there is no place for the other direction to go and then it shrinks back. Sort of keeps the whole road filled, and stop signs? Well they do stop for cows and stop lights. Oh yes, throw people crossing the road into all this at a “Y” intersection……….better than an E ticket ride at Disneyland like I said.

Bangalore December 13: Do I have a sign on my back that says “Free Money? The hustle is always on here, even though I try to blend in. It is difficult to separate my perception that I am in Mexico somewhere since I associate the looks of the city with how Mexico is. If not for the women draped in the traditional dress and the occasional India look of architecture I would be speaking Spanish……or at least they would. Guys dress the same in both countries, dogs and cows look the same too.
Botanical Garden is nice and very spacious. I went there for my first walk in two days so that was my objective. The guide said this granite mound I was standing on was the highest point in Bangalore, good city view. Seems like the driver and guide were working a tag team, only a bit thru the thing did I realize I didn’t have to have a guide!! What the heck, $20 here $60 there…….tis the season.
Many more cows in the road but like UFO’s difficult to photograph due to the pace of traffic. Some were sleeping in the medium others grazing on the side.
Went out to TGI Fridays this evening with Dave who is retired from Delta and working at another company. Got a 6 pack of batteries for the camera for $2.50 (100 Rupees). Driving is hard to describe when you head into traffic the wrong way….and everyone seems to expect it. The only rule is to not hit each other I guess.
3 working days left here and I will probably not get out much more……we’ll see.
Feeling better though for having rested the past two days.

Central Area Leading To The Glass House

I guess these are all self explanatory

India In December

Find the Cow 1887 Bangalore Palace
Lord Shiva Statue Elephant Statue
Family out on the road, India Style
High Court Building
Legislative Building
Bangalore Dec. 6:
First day in Bangalore was spent riding around with the hotel driver (can’t spell his name) Senth? We saw Legislative Assembly Building, Lord Shiva Statue, Bangalore Palace, High Court Building, equivalent to the Ruben H Space Fleet Center Science Center, and some spontaneous shopping (carpet and misc. stuff).
But the most impressive was the cows in the street. I only saw 4 of the animals and it was difficult to get pictures of them. We were driving and they were here then gone to quick for me. The only one I got a picture of was one that walked in front of us and we had to slow down. Got the camera fired up but he was past us, so I only got his head.
The Fortune Hotel is very nice with a scented candle and statue posing the standard greeting at the door.
The driving/riding is an experience, with horns always beeping and I do not know how the driver escaped dinging up the car or hitting a person(s) or a dog (many running around). It truly is an organized ciaos that you would need to be from India to appreciate.
So off to work 11 hrs a day for the next 6 days I suppose and will only have next Sunday off to pick some more things to see.So till then…….I stop for Cows.

Debbie and Kathy's Shopping in Singapore (+Bob)

Botanical Garden Little India at the Banana Leaf

Festival Lights

More Lights

Week Of Sept 19-26: What a thrill to have such wonderful company the past week. The 10 weeks I have been away has really started to get to me so this has been a good break. I know it will not replace being home but certainly will help get me thru the next 6 days before I leave.

While at work Bob, Kathy and Deb did their thing and went around the city shopping or sightseeing. I joined them after work. Some days were normal work hours and some I cut short.

It is Sunday now and after dropping Deb and Kathy off at the Airport (Bob left Friday morning) I seem to be rattling around the room a bit more now though than before.

So the pictures and movies are of the past week while they have been here. It was a good week to be here with several festivals going on (Little India and China Town). I guess the F1 didn't show up on their radar. Botanical Garden was the last day and it was worth the wait for me.


Singapore Weekend 9/13

River During The Day

Highest Point In Singapore

Monkeys Ham It Up

Sunset Over The City

River Area At Night

Had the weekend to see some of Singapore. So I spent Saturday moving from the Holiday Inn to the Swiss hotel and setting up the computer to play DVD's on the computer. It took at least two trips to the electronics store to get the right cables but it works now. Also took some picts off the balcony. Sunday it was off to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve to hike the highest peak in Singapore and see the monkeys. The hike was like Cowles Mt. on a hot and very hunid day except it was under the cover of a jungle. Steep in some areas and a lot more to the reserve than what I saw. So plenty of opportunities to go back and see more.
Think I head home the 2nd of October, but at this point I'm not counting on it.

Singapore 9/8

Been a month already since the last entry. Time flies when you are working 50+ hours a week. But I do venture out when I can. So just for an update here are some pictures from the past month.

Singapore 8/2

Little India for a late meal Restaurant Decore

View from Swiss Hotel (Future Casino)

View at night

Celebration under way (cool boats)


Me and Jeff hangin out and hangin on

Awsome fireworks

Singapore Sunday 8/2: Very nice weekend. Friday I met up with Jeff Anderson after work to check out the Swiss Hotel for a later stay and head down to Little India to see what that is about. Great company, good food and bargains galore! I figured I would get a pair of sandals something here so at the price of $12.50 sing couldn't pass up the bargain on some “Waikin” sandals. Tried then out all of today and they feel great.
Wish I could tell you all the types of food we had but it came down to a golden beer, mutton, yogurt chicken and curry chicken along with veggies in some yogurt sauce, all with saffron rice of course. When you start dinner at about 11:30 or so at night and lose time in conversation ranging from Star Trek trivia, backpacking to mysteries of the Universe I guess it was only fitting that the MRT quit running by the time we were done. What is one to do at 1:00-1:30am down in a strange part of town (course it’s all strange since I’ve never been here before)? Good thing Taxis are as plentiful as they are because just walking out to the street gave us a choice of two of the nearest 15 or so coming by at the time.
Saturday after a productive day at work the plan was to meet up on the 57th floor of the Swiss Hotel at Jeff’s place to watch the practice for the Independence Day festivities that will be for real on the 9th of August. All I can say is that if this is practice I can’t imagine what the 9th will be like. I think I’ll let the pictures tell the story of this evening, military boats, helicopters, F16’s surreal lighting etc….fantastic!! I do need to say though that after I got to the hotel and tried to take a picture I found out I left the camera memory chip back in the computer from the download of the day before. But how well did things work out that Jeff used the tripod I brought for all these pictures with his camera. So I got to take in all the sights and Jeff did the artistic documentation seen for this night, thanks Jeff (time lapse too!).
Sunday has been spent down in the area of the stadium where the Independence Day events will be held taking picture for my son Ryan and his art. Nice relaxing day before hitting another week at the office. So, next weekend will probably be the next entry…till then.

Singapore 7_26

MRT Station (Early in Morning) Electronic Mall

Typical Mall (This is at the Marina)

View From Park

Singapore 7/26: I had the whole day to explore some of the surroundings so I got started at 9:30 am to get on the MRT trains. The trains enter the station behind the steel doors to the right or left of the picture, then open to let people out and in. All the stations that I have been in are very clean as is the city itself. Took the MRT only 3 stops to get to a section of town where Cathay Photo was, one of the more complete photo stores. Found out though they are closed Sundays and close at 7:00pm on weekdays. So next Saturday will be the next chance I’ll have to get into the store. Lucky for me there are hundreds of other camera stores here and one had the 120 roll film I was looking for.
Stores are everywhere and things closer than I thought so I walked to check out the Swiss Hotel where one of the other folks from San Diego is staying. Then a couple blocks away is the Marina Square Mall with the Raffles Link Mall between them! Get the picture? Looking at the map I could see that it was totally within walking distance to get back to my hotel so I started back after getting film. On the way back I passed things like the War Memorial Park, Singapore Art Museum, art galleries, Plaza by the Park, The Cathay (shopping place), and Plaza Singapore (where the Thai food fair was) and then numbers of mom and pop shops.
The malls are a combination of La Jolla, Fashion Square and Best Buy type stores. But it is all the electronics and food that keeps me going into these places…….love the selection of food here. In fact, after only a week I must say that Singapore now rates up there with food places like San Francisco, Chicago and France. It’s an Asian culinary melting pot to appreciated for sure. At the Plaza Singapore where the Thai food fair was I had a $2.00 (SG value about $1.40 US) huge plate of golden scallop fried rice with a spot of spice on the side. It was so good and almost more than I could eat.

Well enough about shopping and food. Next post will probably be next weekend when I get time to do something. I’ll look at Cathay Photo, Little India and get some pictures of the skyline perhaps.

Singapore 7/25

A340 Getting Loaded for the trip
Business Class not all bad
Sentosa Island bridge to most southern point on Asia ContinentSantosh, Subba Rao, and Me
One of many Mall/stores

Singapore 7/25: Never would have thought I would be here when I started back to work 6 months ago. But as assignments go this is not so bad, as the pictures show. The trip over was about 17 hours long but business class on Singapore Airlines has a way of making time fly. Left at 9:30 pm from LA Friday night. Arrived 17 hours later Sunday morning in Singapore at 4:30am in the morning. I have never flown for 17 hours before all the time it being dark. The flight was on an A340 ALL business class. Only 4 seats across the plane, with TV’s in the back of the seat in front of you. The seats reclined like a lounge chair so you could lay down almost flat to sleep. Thought I would never say it but actually looking forward to the return trip for numbers of reasons now.
So far the work as been steady but not the break-neck effort I thought it would be, that might change however. Getting back to the hotel at 6:30 every night does not give much time to explore during the week so it was good to go out Friday night with 3 others I know from San Diego. Pubs are all quite nice here.
Then on Saturday was the first Goodrich Family day at Sentosa Beach. Food, games and lots of fun had by all on a beautiful sunny day (no rain). The ocean water here is so warm it was almost not even refreshing………almost. Got to use the MRT (metro transit subway thing) on the way home for the first time too. Good system and I’ll probably use it tomorrow.
So many malls and stores and food places here but I figure with the metro system and taxis I’ll get to see most every area of the city before I go, but not come close to seeing all the stores.
Better sign off for now. Just wanted to get out some pictures of the trip. Tomorrow I’ll be looking for sun glasses and a specific camera store.

Florida and Mississippi

Tuesday 20th: The excitement of getting to Pensacola was partly to see the camp sites mom and dad stayed at but also he wants to see how much damage was done to the area from Hurricanes. Ivan came thru here and hit it quite good. The roof of the restaurant we ate at "Crabs We Got 'Em" was taken off during the storm. It is back on now of course but they still need to fix the door to the bar because it lets in a lot of cold air. Unfortunately the roads were being worked on that prevented us from getting to the campground, so we could not actually get to see the spot they were at. But it was mission accomplished anyway because that is what he wanted to find out. I had been in this area before the storm myself and i must say that it does not look much different than I remember. The water is beautiful and so is the sand, the temperatures are not so good at 42 degrees during the day and hard freeze warnings for the inland areas tonight. It makes you think twice about going back out to the car from a warm hotel room to get the gin, so that comes in with us the first trip.

Friday 23rd: After a $200 fix of the computer I'm back in business. Could not even get into safe mode!! But all files recovered and going again, but will need to load all my lost programs later.
Getting to Waveland dad showed me why he wanted to get down here so bad. This was a home away from home and everywhere reminded him of mom, but it has changed. The hurricane trashed much of the place so much is rebuilt. The park where they stayed is closed but we went in anyway and the store where he got fish is closed and trashed. The hotel we are staying in is out front the old grocery store (Coast Inn) so he can sit in the room and watch the action out front of the old store (passing cars). The Casino Magic is now the Hollywood Casino in one place and the other location on the beach is nothing but a foundation now being worked on. Many lots are for sale and empty but others have huge houses built on them standing on pillars that look like they would withstand a big storm. But talking to locals they see them as kites. The highway 90 bridge was completely destroyed and it was a massive concrete and steel thing.
So it is the same, but different, with memories built on what seems like shifting sands of a once sturdy foundation.
Weather is going to be rainy and cooler and the trip home will turn cold soon. But seeing this area has settled some things it seems and hopefully this will lead to a little peace of mind.
Slide show below will be added to in the next few days.

Sunday 25th: Left Waveland to return home today and traveled to Vicksburg to see some Civil War History. The hotel is the Battlefield Inn by the Vicksburg National Military Park and Museum. A great stop where dad can have some catfish and work the hotel bar. May stay another day because of the free drinks and all there is to see here..............a real good day.

Tuesday 27th: Seems like we are moving along sort of fast. Now in Nashville we are back in cold weather. Ice is forecast for tomorrow morning. But the drive along the Natchez Trace Parkway was nice. Temps about 70 degrees during the day. We stopped in at another campground along the way he knew, but it was closed for the winter. Another one or two days here in Tennessee and then it will be North for the push home.

Friday 30th: It's been a few days in Tennessee seeing the area around Cookeville. Nice hills and lakes make for possibilities later.Stopped in to see Bob and Donna McGovern in Crossville. It was a surprise to see that Bob and dad worked with the same people even though they never met before.It is a small world. After a long drive we are back in Warren Indiana staying at the Huggy Bear. It is the first stop on the way out for dad's trips and the last stop on the way back. I think there is some thermal sink at this spot because it is 5 degrees now with chill to -7.I think adding the temperature up from the first time here and this time it doesn't pass 10 degrees. Tomorrow is Saginaw and for me two days from San Diego.It will be good to get back home.


Brother Up At The Ski Lodge Ready For Tequila Tasting

Temperatures Inside And Outside On Ski Day

I Don't Do This In San Diego!!

This trip is about taking dad to places him and mom visted during their many trips down south in their 5th wheel.

The trip starts with family up in Boyne City at the ski slopes. My brother Gary in his rental with other friends come to ski and drink and eat. The flurries are falling and it is 19 degrees tonight at 10:00 pm. but colder temps are forcast for tomorrow. I will start the bunny slopes tomorrow to test the hip and take it from there. The goal for me is to do no harm..........and have fun in the process. Ski lift is the only expense because thanks to e-bay and local garage sales Gary has enough ski equipment to outfit everyone.

Saturday Morning 1/10: Single digit temperatures to start the ski day as the picture shows. But bundled up it doesn't seem to be so bad. Got to see much of the mountain and spend time with some great people. Skied till about 5:30 off and on.....great time. Didn't ski Sunday so as not to risk the rest of the trip.

Monday January 12, 2009: Up in Harrison Michigan with Dad I am reminded of why I moved to California. Snow piled against doors, in the driveway with ice under and over everything makes it difficult to get around. The cold is refreshing and there is plenty of that to come. Minus temperatures are predicted to make a showing for the next three nights and single digit highs during the day. Snow is forecast thru the week all around here. The escape plan is down to Saginaw tomorrow evening and after an eye appointment on Wednesday off to Indiana to the first stop. From there we stay around Nashville a few days and then to Eufaula Alabama.
Of course this is all subject to change depending on how much snow we get tonight. One to four inches is what it should be.

Wednesday 14th: Still in Saginaw at sisters house. Estimated departure is Thursday now. I will put together a slide show and add pictures to it as the trip unfolds from here. Snow is falling, the sound of snow plows on the city streets and a nice view of a snow covered patio. Not a bad place to hang out till we depart.

Thursday 15th: A snowy drive down the highway from Saginaw with temperatures all day that never got above single digits. We pulled into the Huggy Bear Hotel (Warren Indiana) for the first stop on the “sentimental journey”. Things have changed over the years from what dad last remembers, some of the hotel rooms are apartments now and the Broasted chicken so coveted in the past is no longer made. Just goes to show ya to enjoy the moments when you have them because it may never come again.

Friday 16th: 15 degrees below zero with a wind chill getting it into the -20’s has been the lowest temperature I’ve experienced outside a lab test chamber. Going to and from the hotel to the gas station/store/diner (50 to 70 yards) seemed like taking your life in your hands. Ice under the crunching snow meant travel had to be slow. But we got to the diner to have breakfast and take in some of the local color. Remind me to tell you the story of the raccoon hat and the waitress. The drive was beautiful with a stop in Indianapolis to get a phone charger. The snow line was about the same as I remember extending to about the middle of Indiana. After that there was little snow, just bare trees and the bitter cold. Tonight is spent in Bowling Green in a Hotel 6. Dinner was compliments of a fist full of Red Lobster gift cards dad had in his glove box, so thanks all for the cards over the years, one was from us a few years ago. Enough for yet another meal too.

Sunday 18th: A good day. Sunny and temps in the low 60's. Leaving from Montgomery it was a short days drive thru the Alabama back roads to Eufaula. With some looking, we got to the White Oak Campground about 3:00 or so with lots of time to explore the sites where dad and mom spent numbers of weeks each year. Usually it was in the spring on the way back from Mississippi they would stay here. But Oakwood loop with sites 30-59 was closed for the winter. It was site 52 where they would stay. We went around some of the open campgrounds to see the area and having come this far it was concluded that parking the car and walking into the closed section was the thing to do. So after some power walking down the road we lingered at site 52 for some time talking about the things they use to do while here. Neighbors giving them fish, walks in the woods, trips into town etc.
This seems to be a trip where specific memories are a moving target. Things have changed since dad was last at these places and memories are not always accurate, making for some uncertainty in facts. But the certainty of what he feels does not need much prompting because every mile we travel is not just hotels, campgrounds and restraunts but connections to a time and a person providing a comfort that familiar things bring.
Below is a slideshow that will be updated as we go.
Mondy 19th: Another day in Eufaula spent seeing the area. Some additional slides added at the back of the show. Of note, Kathy McGovern's AND Rusty Fullers' Birthday today. Got in the traditional call to Rusty but missed happy birthday Kathy. And of course Happy Birthday to Bob Howie too. How long has it been since we got together on a birthday Bob? Perhaps next year hu? Remember Total Eclipse 2012 in northern CA!!! May 12th I believe.
Anyway, me and dad will leave for Waveland Mississippi tomorrow and I will add more files to a different entry with different music in a couple days.